1961 British One Tube Regen

1961SepRadioConstructorSixty years ago this month, the September 1961 issue of the British magazine Radio Constructor carried the plans for this one-tube regenerative receiver covering 150 kHz through 28 MHz dubbed the “Finger-tip Five,” owing to the fact that it covered the range in five bands with five plug-in coils. While it did cover the longwave and mediumwave bands, it was especially designed for the shortwaves, “where much of interest is transmitted.”

The set used an ECF80 dual pentode-triode tube. The triode was used as the regenerative detector. The other half was used as an untuned RF amplifier, whose main purpose was to isolate the detector from the antenna, thus eliminating any dead spots caused by the antenna loading down the detector. On this side of the Pond, the equivalent tube would be a 6BL8 or 6LN8.
