1944 Kiddie Tractor

1944AprPM1Shown here, from the April 1944 issue of Popular Mechanics, is the son of Robert C. Cross of 507 Main St., Woodland, California. The elder Mr. Cross built the 240 pound Caterpillar-type tractor for the young man, who undoubtedly had lots of fun driving around with the 3/4 horsepower engine.

Steering was accomplished the same way as a full-size tractor, with clutches and brakes on the rear axle controlled by levers. The cab also featured a throttle and choke control, as well as a cut-out switch. Mr. Cross reported that the cost of the tractor was about $125.

The younger Mr. Cross would be in his 80’s today, and since we know that people like to Google their own names, it’s not inconceivable that he is reading this. If you are, we would love to hear from you with your recollections of this most interesting toy.

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