1938 Majestic Charlie McCarthy

1938AugustRadioRetailerEighty years ago this month, the August 1938 issue of Radio Retailing carried this ad for Majestic’s Charlie McCarthy radio. It reminded dealers that the set wasn’t a novelty, but a high-quality six tube radio. The set was to be marketed in theaters, and dealers could reserve their share of the profits by acting fast.

The set is still popular with collectors, and you can see a restoration in progress at this video:

One thought on “1938 Majestic Charlie McCarthy

  1. Gary Gaarder Jr

    I have a Majestic Charlie Mccarthy radio that is nearly complete (back cover missing) but the case is rough. Any interest? Also have a 1947 whiskey bottle radio. Neither is working but the bottle lights up. I’ll sell both cheap as I’m more into vintage receivers.

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