Irving, TX, Police Dept. photo, via NY Daily News.
Ahmed Mohammed is a bright 14-year-old student in Irving Texas. He made the digital clock shown above in a pencil case, and this week brought it to school. He showed it to one teacher who was impressed. He then put it away in his backpack, but it started beeping during another class.
The other teacher apparently believed that bright kids shouldn’t bring unusual looking things to school. The principal was called, and then the police were called. Ahmed was arrested for having what someone believed to be a “hoax bomb.”
Nobody thought it was a real bomb. Ahmed didn’t think it was a hoax bomb. It was a clock, and it presumably told time. He told the police that it was a clock. He didn’t elaborate any further, because there was nothing to elaborate about. He could have said that it told time, but presumably the cops in Irving, Texas, already knew that clocks told time. But because he didn’t elaborate further, he was arrested.
Last month, I posted on this site the digital clock shown below in a 1975 picture.
As you can see, this clock is just like Ahmed’s, just a lot bigger. As you can see, there are students in the background, and they don’t appear to be freaking out because there’s a big homemade clock in the room. The teacher wasn’t alarmed. The principal wasn’t alarmed. The police weren’t alarmed. They realized that it was a homemade clock, built from plans in a magazine. And even though it presumably had a much greater explosive potential than Ahmed’s clock, nobody was concerned.
In 1975, there was nothing wrong with a kid making something unusual and bringing it to school. Today, a kid might get arrested for doing the same thing. And it’s a damn shame.
Stop it, people. Use a little bit of common sense for a change.
Click Here For Today’s Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Cartoon