1925 Beginner’s Crystal Set


1945RBCxtalsetSchematicNinety years ago, the editors of Radio Broadcast magazine, July 1925,
published detailed instructions for constructing the simple crystal set shown here. The article noted that “beginners are apt to be discouraged by the complexities which are life and nourishment to the average fan,” and vowed to also include features devoted to the beginner. It noted that “particular attention would be paid to the possibilities of five-and-ten-cent store parts,” since “the advent of the five-and-ten-cent store into the radio field has cut the cost of almost all parts.” This set could be constructed with such parts for $1.82. Antenna wire, insulators, and the headphones would bring the total to $5.52. The set was to be constructed in a cigar box which “can be stained if desired, but when merely cleaned and sand-papered, it presents a not unpleasing appearance.”

Interior view of the set.

Interior view of the set.

With the beginner in mind, the article goes into excruciating detail as to the instructions. The coil is wound honeycomb style, on a form traced onto cardboard from a template in the magazine.

For those considering replicating a similar set, I have ideas on procuring parts on my crystal set parts page.



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