1958 Popular Electronics Two-Transistor Transmitter

1958AugPESixty years ago this month, before QRP was cool, the August 1958 issue of Popular Electronics carried the plans for this QRP transmitter for 15, 11, and 10 meters.  The set was dubbed the Semiconductor Space Spanner. The two-transistor transmitter had an input power of 96 milliwatts. The author, Don Stoner, W6TNS reported contacts all over the continent and as far away as Hawaii. While some of those contacts were pre-arranged, many were the result of a normal CQ.

The cost of the parts was said to be $19, less crystal. A 40 meter crystal was used on 15 meters, although the circuit pulled the signal somewhat below the exact third harmonic.

The circuit used a 2N371 transistor as oscillator, feeding the 2N370 final amplifier.

If the author’s name looks familiar, readers will recall that he was the designer of an early CB rig which served as the prototype of the Heathkit CB-1 and “Benton Harbor Lunchbox” transceivers for 2, 6, and 10 meters.
