Welcome To OneTubeRadio.com

Welcome to OneTubeRadio.com!  If you’ve visited either of my websites, w0is.com or richardclem.com. you’ve probably noticed that they are a confusing and eclectic collection of material. In other words, the material there really belongs in a blog.  It is my hope that WordPress will bring a little bit of organization to the random thoughts that will be posted here.

This blog will cover a wide variety of topics.  I’m a lawyer and provider of continuing legal education in several states, so I’ll be talking about law.  Law inevitably overlaps with politics, so you’ll hear some of my political views.  And both law and politics overlap with religion, so you’ll probably see some of my religious views reflected here.

And as the domain name suggests, I’ll probably be talking about radio.  I’ve been an amateur radio operator for 40 years.  I’m the author of study guides for the FCC amateur and commercial licenses, and I was the author of a QST article on the construction of a fan dipole.

Amateur radio overlaps quite a bit with emergency preparedness, and I have some thoughts on that subject as well.  I don’t think I own a single piece of camouflage clothing, which means that I’m not a real “prepper” or “survivalist”.  But I think people can take reasonable precautions for foreseeable emergencies, and I’ll talk about some of those common-sense preparations.

I became an Eagle Scout in 1978, and I’m currently a Cub Scout leader.  Therefore, I will undoubtedly talk about some scouting related topics.

On my other websites, you will see other topics that don’t really fit in anywhere else.  For example, my How To Make Coffee Without Electricity page is always popular when a hurricane is bearing down on the coasts.  And if you’re interested in archaic duplicating technology, you can learn how make a hectograph.  And I even have some words of wisdom if you want to get your California Driver’s License.

In short, you’ll find a confusing and eclectic collection of material here, and I hope you enjoy it.

One thought on “Welcome To OneTubeRadio.com

  1. Pingback: Happy Birthday OneTubeRadio.com | OneTubeRadio.com

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