About Our Advertiser: Jameco Electronics

JamesElectronics1974AdWe are pleased to have as one of our advertisers Jameco Electronics.  One of their first advertisements, from the 1974 issue of Radio Electronics magazine, is shown here. The company was originally known as James Electronics, and is now known as Jameco Electronics. They were founded 40 years ago by Dennis Farrey, and have been based the entire time in Belmont, California, in Silicon Valley. They have always been responsive to the needs of hobbyists and do-it-yourselfers, and they are an excellent option for parts orders for electronics and robotics hobbyists. They’re geared up for small orders, and they are an economical option for electronic parts in small quantities. You can read more about their company history at their website.

You can request a copy of their free catalog by mail or download a copy. If any of the posts on this site inspire you to build a project or perhaps restore an older piece of equipment, Jameco is an excellent source for any needed parts. If you’re starting out as an electronics hobbyist and need to stock your “junk box” with high quality components, their grab bags provide an excellent value. They also have a large selection of electronic and robotic kits.

We welcome Jameco Electronics as an advertiser, and encourage you to support them.

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  1. Pingback: 1947 One Tube Regenerative Receiver from Popular Mechanics | OneTubeRadio.com

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