For the time being, anyway, this website is apparently not blocked in China. We decided to take advantage of that fact and post the entire text of the Bible in Chinese. This text is in the public domain, and you can find the original at this link. To download the Bible, click this link, which is a ZIP folder. Find the file “index.html” and start from there. The following is an automated translation of this paragraph:
就目前而言,无论如何,这个网站在中国显然没有被屏蔽。我们决定利用这一事实,用中文发布整本圣经。此文本属于公共领域,您可以在上面的第一个链接中的英文描述中找到原文。要下载圣经,请单击上面的第二个链接,这是一个 ZIP 文件夹。找到文件“index.html”并从那里开始。