Armenians being marched to their death by Ottoman soldiers, 1915. Wikipedia photo.
A hundred years ago today, the U.S. Ambassador at Constantinople, Henry Morgenthau, sent the following telegram to Washington:
Telegram Received.
From Constantinople
Dated July 31, 1915
Recd. August 3, 10 AM.Secretary of State,
Washington.898, July 31, 5 p.m.
My 841 and 858. Doctor Lepsius, President of German-Orient Mission which maintains six Armenian orphan asylums in Turkey, has information from reliable source that Armenians, mostly women and children, deported from the Erzerum district, have been massacred near Kemakh between Erzinghan and Harput. Similar reports comes from other sources showing that but few of these unfortunate people will ever reach their stated destination. Their lot inexpressibly pitiable. The Doctor proposes to submit matter to International Red Cross for common action to try to induce Germany to demand cessation of these horrors. He earnestly requests access to information Embassy has on file. Will give him if department has no objection.
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