Car Winter Survival Kit

CarSurvivalKitWith winter soon upon us, I decided it was time to make sure the cars were equipped with survival kits. Other items are important (such as blankets or sleeping bags, extra winter clothing, tools, a shovel, sand, and probably others), but here are the items that I put in to make sure that the passengers have something to eat if the car gets stuck. This kit contains food and a method of cooking the food.  I made identical kits for each car.

My experience with getting stuck in a blizzard actually involves getting to a hotel in the nick of time, only to find that the hotel didn’t have any food. All of the food here could be heated up in a hotel microwave. Everything here came from either the dollar store or Walmart (with the exception of the pan, which came from Goodwill). Here is a list of the contents, with links to Amazon.

For all of these foods, water is necessary, and I always have some in the car.  But if stranded in winter, it’s probably because the car is stuck in frozen water, meaning that it’s readily available.

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2 thoughts on “Car Winter Survival Kit

  1. Mark Everhart

    Excellent suggestions. I would only suggest adding a strong, sharp knife, and maybe at least 25 feet of rope or other strong cordage.

    1. Post author

      I have a knife in the tool box, and usually in my pocket, but tossing some rope in there isn’t a bad idea!

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