“If All The Guys In The World” 1957

1957JunePEThe June 1957 issue of Popular Electronics includes these shots from the 1956 French film Si Tous Les Gars du Monde.  The magazine gives the film’s English title as If All the Men In the World, although the correct English title of the film as released was If All the Guys in the World.

According to the magazine,  the film prominently features amateur radio in a story of twelve sailors’ lives being saved.

The crewmen of a fishing trawler two days off the coast of Norway suffer from a mysterious illness. The ship’s radio fails, but the skipper turns to his ham set and raises FD8IM in French Togoland. That ham summons a local doctor, who correctly diagnoses the crew with botulism, and informs them that they must take the anitserum within 15 hours.

The race is on, and FD8IM contacts F8YT in Paris. Much international cooperation follows until the antiserum is successfully delivered.

According to the magazine, the film was received with great acclaim in Paris, Rome, Berlin, and Oslo, and was then touring America.

The movie doesn’t appear to be available in English or French.  More information about the English version is available at IMDB.  Information on the French version is available at this site.  It appears that the movie is based on a French novel of the same title, and used copies of that book are available at amazon.fr.

The following video includes the film’s French theme song, and includes clips from the film: