Sourcing Radio Parts in 1927


Radio hobbyists have long been aware that many common household objects have their highest and best use as radio components. So when this gentleman, shown on the cover of Radio News, January 1927, needed an enclosure as part of the radio he was working on, it was only natural to put the bread box to better use than it had previously seen.

Unfortunately, it appears that his wife didn’t have the same priorities, since she had to find another container for the bread.

Answer to Yesterday’s Quist Quiz

Yesterday, we offered this schematic from 1957, and asked for the effective resistance between points A and B:


The answer is 1 ohm.  If you look closely at the diagram, despite the confusing layout, the three resistors are in parallel.  Point A is connected to the left side of two of the resistors, and Point B is connected to the right side of two resistors.  The only complicating factor is that the middle resistor is backwards:  A is connected to the right side, and B is connected to the left side.  Since the polarity doesn’t matter, it’s just three resistors in parallel.  So the equivalent resistance is 1 / ((1/3) + (1/3) + (1/3)) = 1 ohm.